Monday, September 1, 2008

Sarah Palin is a Scandolous Broad


Be prepared. I'm Fin To Rant...

It is incredibly easy to become pregnant directly after giving birth because of your fresh circulation of hormones. Mono generally last three weeks to three months not five to eight of the last months of your mother's pregnancy. She appears more pregnant than her mother in the pictures they haven't been able to detract yet. Sarah Palin's staff knew nothing of her pregnancy or any symptoms and stated this to the Anchorage paper. Her belly appeared flat when she should have been carrying a 6 pound child who was born just weeks after the picture of her in the brown jacket were taken. No sane woman would be slowly leaking amniotic fluid, put on a maxi pad, give a 30 minute speech on energy, take an 8-11 hour flight from Texas to Alaska without alerting any of the flight attendants of her condition, stopped off in Seattle then re-boarded to finish her trip to Alaska, left the plane and drove 45 minutes past two hospitals that were more equipped to handle premature, special needs births, and finally arrived at the small hospital in the town she used to govern as mayor for eight years. Then somehow, three days later she went back to work even though it was her courageous decision to have the baby she couldn't wait to get away from. She never looked pregnant, didn't announce it until four weeks before giving birth, her daughter was removed from school five (to eight) months of the end of her Trig's pregnancy, she was capable of taking an extensive flight, back to work days after giving birth to a baby who needed all of her support. Come on why is it so hard to understand. Is it really so hard to use an abundance of common sense to realize what has happened. When the Anchorage Times reported the story of her pregnancy and the wonder that surrounded it long before Barack Obama even knew her name so halt before assuming that this is simply something to benefit him. Bristol had a car accident during her stirring bout with mononucleosis (one of three tickets during this time) in front of a Family Medical Center. This story is not just a question Sarah Palin's judgment as a person who wants to alter the teachings of sex education. It is quite apparent that this woman seeks to be in a place of power where she can tell woman and girls that in the event of rape, incest or simple bad judgement their life should be controlled by the radical views she shares with her buddy McCain. They should be forced against their will by law to give birth to a child that she may not want and in turn may not love, nourish, support or even accept. One of the biggest problems with the denial of choice is that someone who feels that have no where to turn will go anywhere she can find assistance even if it's a bloody mattress and a boiled hanger. In the event that Bristol truly is pregnant this time, scientifically it is fact that it is easier to become pregnant directly after giving birth. But a question lingers...didn't she just have an extensive case of highly infectious mono. Who is this boyfriend that would subject himself to sex with a recently infected human? And most woman who gave birth to a 6 pound child wouldn't have lost every bit of baby weight thus making this pregnancy viable as long as the fat remains. Once she continues to breast feed her son and her belly becomes smaller history will show that the poor girl suffers a miscarriage. I and many humans don't wish any harm to this family. I wish Sarah Palin had chosen her family over power but as her rush back to office after giving birth to the person who gave birth to her special needs son and now her haste to attempt to succeed the oldest presidential nominee in American history despite her daughter's national scrutiny shows she is a ruthless Caribou hunter. I feel for this girl and the embarrassment she faces as we look over pictures of the fat in her face and the bulge in her belly and watch the government change the dates as though people will continue to be stupid. Sarah Plain you are not a champion for women's rights, education or parenting. You did not protect your daughter by telling the world three days after we've already made our own conclusions that she is now "pregnant" with belly fat. Why don't you try holding your baby without a cellphone in your hand and maybe we'll believe that you wanted this child despite his disability. Why didn't your husband hold your child when you were introduced? Was it to hide what's protruding under Bristol's dress? It didn't help. What would is acknowledging that you have agreed to join a campaign that at times has been bitter, personal and ruthless with the assumption that the American people (cautious of their futures and that of a 2 time melanoma survivor who just celebrated his 72nd birthday making him older than my grandmother will be in five years) should have no questions about holes in stories that all seem to lead to one stellar conclusion. Should we ignore the very papers that reported on Sarah when the world didn't even know they could pronounce her name wrong. No one knew about you and your own town was asking questions. Your state was asking questions. Now the world is asking questions. Do not presume the right to tell my unborn daughter's that it is you and your policies and like-minded folly who should tell my children what they might do with their bodies. Your daughter didn't crash in front of a Family Medical Center because she was gonna chill with her friends like this was the place to be. Who is this boy she has to marry right after recovering from mono? Just keep lying. It's almost corny...and a little insulting. Sarah Palin's belly was flat during the announcement of "her" pregnancy at 7 months and then suddenly she looks like Elaine on Seinfeld trying to hide behind that giant mattress just a week later. How'd he grow that fast if he hadn't grown the whole pregnancy? Why didn't her staff remember any of the many doctor's appointments you should have been scheduled throughout her pregnancy? They never noticed her throwing up in the middle of meetings? The flight attendants didn't even notice she was pregnant. In fact she didn't look pregnant at all considering giving birth 11 hours later. And how interesting that her amniotic fluid was leaking (as she so enthusiastically told the only media who cared at the time) for eleven hours (add ALWAYS endorsement here cuz they're the only pads that can cork a leak like that) so she drove past the two bigger, better hospitals just to get induced? But she felt this was safe and normal. Why did a premature child have to be induced if you had already sprang a leak if this in fact wasn't anything to worry over? I don't care how many children you've had when your water breaks at 6 months you go to the best hospital in Texas if that's the sate you're in (after all her husband was there) and you make sure everything is okay and then if necessary you fly. No medical staff was even on the plane in case an emergency should arise though fake pregnancies usually hold up well to flying. You can have fourteen children in ten years and still not be able to convince the world that you know that going into labor with a baby with Down's Syndrome three months before he is due to be born is an extremely predictable process because "I know". No, Mrs. Palin. That was so ludicrous and dangerous that if it were in fact true I would consider contacting ACS and getting a petition to have your children removed. What better way to practice pro-life practices than to go to the hospital anytime something odd happens in your already at-risk pregnancy. Not to simply assume you know what you're doing by driving to another less equipped town to give birth to your daughter's child. I'm ranting...I know but this woman's lack of judgment is astounding. She should have said "thanks but no thanks" to Senator McDesperate and saved your dysfunction for Wasilla and taxidermists. This is going to come back to haunt her once Bristol has her arranged marriage and takes baby Trig with her. I wish Bristol all the best and we all know well enough that Barack would not want to bring harm to these two children who are innocent to their parent's deceit. If the story had no merit, the pictures wouldn't paint such a vivid image of truth. The government wouldn't have removed pictures that would prove or disprove who in the family was pregnant. Bristol's friends wouldn't have seen her pregnant while she suffered from her prolonged illness that cleared up in time for her to have sex with someone in Alaska where you see a moose before you see another human being. It's not the intelligent public's fault she has so many holes in her story. If she had simply started stuffing her shirts when she was supposed to instead of waiting until no one believed you and thought you had some trick to make yourself seem so slim and then a week later you look like a blimp even though you actually looked bigger than she should at that point in her pregnancy. She looked nine months pregnant when she was seven months and when she made the announcement her belly was completely flat. It was her story. She should've planned it better. Instead of giving her child a disease that everyone can find the healing time for and see that she had an exceptional case and would probably need bed rest. She should've said she had a rare blood disease and had to go to Thailand for treatment. Or anything other than something that can be easily disproved by going to Or she could have just come out and said she is extremely offended by the comments being tossed around about her children and there are extensive documents and photographs that reveal the details of the pregnancy. Not just because it's great gossip but because she believes strongly that a girl or woman who has been violently raped and left to die deserves to keep the baby her attacker left her with. That is the reason this story is relevant dinner conversation. And I'm not being harsh or liberal. She believes literally in any and all cases the woman despite her ultimate decision should be forced to birth a child she might not be ready to care for while the republican's seek to end all welfare programs, which might otherwise help these poor young ladies to survive once their future have been decided for them. Come on this lady wants to teach creationism to elementary school children as an either or to be compared and debated with evolution. Literally "God said let there be light and there was light". This is beautiful but it is the individual right of the parents to teach their children whatever they might feel is truth even if we are in the 21st century and microscopes are real. This is not the person we need making us feel guilty about perhaps not keeping a child we know will be sick and hurt and cannot receive the love and attention he might need. Children with less than a spine are not all the rage in the world of adoption. It's a hard enough choice without this woman touting her invisible-to-the-naked-eye pregnancy and subsequent not holding of her baby unless there is a camera and a cell phone nearby as if she is the Ambassador of Special Needs Babies and the Reasons Why We Love Them. This is not her child and she is doing a sucky job of not hiding it. She's not a very good grandmother either it would seem considering how she's running around the country trying to get people to vote for an old man because she's a woman, with breasts, just like Hillary Clinton (who she called a whiner because of her inability to stand what she considered unfair media scrutiny) instead of assisting her daughter with her shotgun wedding and you know the world obsessing over her vaginal hobbies. This woman will never be my vice president cuz I'm not ready to move out of America. Get your story straight lady and stop abusing your children.

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