Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Our President

Barack, you've done what I did not dream possible. You have allowed my young siblings to see a future with possiblity and promise. One day our children will be born in a world where people will never ask them why they speak the way they do. It will be known that you are what you make of yourself. I am me because I did not give up on the dreams and visions I had seen for myself sine infancy. I did not allow the poverty that I, my mother, grandmother, great grandmother and my many other ancestors were born into. The Native American, Irish and African American blood that runs within me is emblazoned with the reality that we can do all that I want. No longer will people look at me as a black girl first. Now I am Amber. Barack Obama you have made history. You have brought the hopes of millions steadily down onto your shoulders. I know it is a lot that we ask of you. I know there are many issues that face this country and the minorities in our nation. I know that you can not and should not be expected to solve them all. I know that I believe that you care in the beauty of a loving family, quality education in any neighborhood, teachers who enjoy their job, after school programs for all children, stem cell research, jobs for all and any so that I at 21 don't have to consider working at McDonalds as a single option for my future, a stable social security plan that does not cost me and mine so much that we do not have enough for ourselves to retire in the future, bridges that don't collapse, intelligible taxation, spending on things that actually have a receipt. Is it so hard to conceive of these things? Not if you've lived in a world where these means have as of yet been met. Don't worry Barack, Michelle, Malia and Sasha we are behind you. We believe you are the way and the answer to the lull in democracy seemingly lacking in a democratic country. I love Hillary. Bill is my homeboy. But Yesterday's Gone...yesterday's gone. It'll soon be here.

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