Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bridge To Nowhere

It's almost too sad to imagine what our country might be like if a bunch of old white guys continue to believe that they are the America of the world. Their convention is boring. Sarah Palin's drama is awesome. No Hillary Supporter is going to vote for this chick just because she had some babies a few times. She shouldn't have lied about her daughter's first pregnancy and she shouldn't have hired lobbyists if she wanted to be considered a Maverick. Poor John McCain has been reduced to infancy. If he had truly began considering her in February surely he would have seen that she was "pregnant". Surely he would have figured "Well this lady is about to have a newborn, do I really want that down the hall from the oval office? Yes...I'm a Sidekick!" These poor deluded racists...Don't they remember that George W. Bush's grandfather provided the Jewish people who created weapons for the Third Reich? Don't they remember how Al Gore won in the year 2000? I was 15...I remember. Don't they remember the bombs that people heard at the base of the Twin Towers. How much can they shield us from our own curiosity. Where are their black people, their Spanish, asian, indian, guam...ese?, japanese, young people? The people that supported the 21 year olds of the world were so young they needed parental supervision. How many freethinking, open-minded, diverse and cultured people would attend their convention of their own volition and once there remain for the duration. They have no substance, no issues, no plans. Everything is okay as long as old white people still have giant earrings like the Bush women. Could McCain's adopted daughter have been more bored when clapping for her own father? She actually had to strap a magnet to her palms just to get them to react. I'm ranting, yes but c'mon. Look at the group of people they bring together. Ask yourself if thousands of white guys in bad suits on cell phones leaping in the air to get face time on CNN and their dutiful wives who mind the children and bend over on command truly represent the America we have grown to be. Could they rally 75,000 German people of all ethnicities who could stand side by side and feel blemished by the touch of another ethnicity?
I know the initial article had nothing to do with racism but I just watched the Convention and as a multiracial, 21 year old woman I felt extremely unrepresented and it is clear why. They are not looking for me, my opinions or my vote. They're ready towage a war against a law that has been putting in place to protect the individual rights of our human citizens which include woman who might not be ready to care for a child when their house is in foreclosure and their boyfriend just lost his job and her first kid is throwing up blood all over the groceries. The Republicans were well represented tonight.
As to Sarah Palin, I would assume it obvious that she would have such fanatical views. She lied to her town about what their eyeballs were actually seeing when she told them she was seven months pregnant before she remembered to add the pillow to her wardrobe. She claimed that she cared about the people of a town everyone was quick to call "Nowhere" and here she is doing a fine job of paving a new one for she and her "Republican base". I find it interesting that the maverick, who goes across party lines when she feels so compelled is rejuvenating and exciting their geriatric "base". Wouldn't that means that her principals are strongly rooted in a like-minded viewpoint which she shares with her Bush loving party. She needs to stay home and consider how her daughter had eight months worth of mono, three traffic tickets during this strange "extended case", and somehow became healthy enough to be able to run off and get pregnant again by a guy who wants to play Hockey forever. The first picture I saw of him was with another girl draped over his back. Yet Sarah Palin on behalf of the conservative right wing has told him that he will be getting married and having one of those kids he doesn't want.
I'm sorry for what happened to John McCain and I wish no harm to him or his family or those of the Palin's or anyone in the world for that matter including Bush while discluding Cheney. However, it is not a stretch to assume that being a prisoner, held captive, beaten, kept in solitary confinement for two years...might leave someone with a little postpartum or y'know recurring nightmares, bedwetting, decision making malfunction, short term common sense loss, long term intelligence loss, oldness, melanoma, leaving wife for younger, hotter, richer, colder robot. Yes Palin should step down for the sake of the embarrassment she will continue to cause herself but first she shoudl tell us all about her 11 hour flight while leaking amniotic fluid onto her husband's foot and concluding in a 45 minute drive to a less equipped hospital for this special needs child who mattered so much he couldn't be safely born with no concerns in a hospital in texas. Or how about not traveling to make energy speeches while bristol has "mono" and is giving birth to your grandchild. What did she take care of her younger siblings while her muscles ached and her throat and uterine glands swelled and caused her immense pain? Bristol keep looking beautiful loving your baby and don't let Sarah take opportune pictures without bothering to put down her cell phone holding the infant. We know you love your child and your mother and it's sad that she will be remembered for all this drama but she could have said "Thanks but no thanks" on this new Bridge to National Infamy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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