Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tried to post to Right Pundits again...

First of all common sense would tell you all to do your own research and make deductions rather
than waiting for your evening news to do it for you. If you had done your research you would find that suspicion only began (or at least for me) after reading an Anchorage Times article stating Palin's pregnancy and how no one ever seemed to notice for seven months.
Her daughter had mono for eight of the seven months her mother was pregnant. She crashed during this bout in front of a Family Medical center and received a ticket. In all of the pictures from late 2007, show Bristol Palin obviously more pregnant than her mother who should have been showing already. They use these same photos to show her as pregnant now though they've already changed the picture's date three times to disprove the obvious truth intelligent people have realized.

Why would she ever take an 8 hour flight and forty five minute drive to a hospital less qualified to take care of a premature down-syndrome newborn. And who the hell would give birth two months early, after having amniotic fluid dripping down her leg so she could make a speech, after having a baby with down-syndrome would go back to work three days later? I can't even go to the supermarket when I've got my period let along govern a state right after giving birth to a child with special "needs". When is he gonna get to know her as time goes on?

You can claim this woman is a godsend but anyone who flies over innocent animals and shoots them with a smile or joins a losing ticket just to gain some political press while your child is pregnant again is crazy.
I don't even want to talk about this person anymore. She is boring and polarizing. What happened to going across party lines and appealing to the American people. Their entire convention was filled with old white people. There were absolutely no black families, no hispanic people, two asians, no gays, lesbians, or human beings at all. Just robots, puppets and the wives that extend their legacy.
69% of the Republican party favors that guy George Bush who has clearly sought to destroy this country through hanging out at his ranch while Dick Cheney who belongs to a "city-state" concoction that bears no flag save one of the obelisks that were stolen from Egypt. How can any intelligent person say Obama/Biden equals anything close to Osama? Your wack ass President won't even say his name eight years after assuring us all that he would "smoke 'im out of his hole!" and then went after a man who lived in a no-fly zone and was tightly controlled by the United States well before we decided to kill him and destroy his country all in the name of the war on terrorism. Eight years later someone else will have to find him and you would dare state his name as if your President has done anything.
This has become so corny. Just do your own research and you will find that there are several holes in many of the stories. The mother of baby trig is hugely relevant because she has from the start of her announcement that she knew that he had down syndrome during the fourth month of her pregnancy been using the infant as a political ploy. She is trying to guilt people who didn't feel they could suit the needs of their child and heart breakingly had to make incredibly difficult decisions. She wants to condemn these people to convictions for making a choice in their own life. Yet somehow she demands some sort of privacy pass. Where was she when a freaking political campaign was waging and the world was scrutinizing every other candidate. Why is she so special when she called Hillary a whiner for complaining about what she saw as unfair treatment from the media?

If people would take the time to look at a calendar instead of just looking inside their ass they would have seen that Trig was born on April 18th, 2008 which would make him closer to 6 months...not four. It is a known fact that women can become pregnant directly after being pregnant. These children who are born so close to one another are called "stair-step children" because they come one right after the other. Isn't it a little stupid to assume that in saying that her daughter is pregnant now so she couldn't have been pregnant then is extremely convenient.

When her stomach was flat the week she announced she was seven months pregnant, where was the 5 pound infant? In her back? If so...exactly one week later would her belly be sooooooo big she looks like she is 9 months pregnant, not 7 months. Why was her daughter out of school with the "kissing disease" for eight of the months her mother would have been pregnant. Why didn't her staff who would obviously want to keep their job be so candid in saying that she did not look pregnant unless they are simply stating fact.

For the seven months prior she showed no signs of pregnancy including doctor's appointments for her down syndrome child who she was so ready to keep that she injected a large needle into her body to find out what kind of illness the baby had. Who does that when you want to keep the baby no matter what? Why not just have the baby and then find out? This story is stupid. Not because it's good gossip or because people have misconstrued where the story began in the first place but because it is obvious. Don't say stupid things like pictures don't show anything. Ummm, last I checked we SEE pictures. How could they not show you something? How long are we going to listen to dumbass arguments like that? How can people actually argue that they'll believe it when they see it and still consider pictures and video to not be visual proof. It's like how many videos of UFOs will have to be seen before people stop saying I'll believe it when I see it. If not it then what are you seeing? The belly wasn't there and then it was.

Her daughter carries her son with love. Sarah carries him with a cell phone in her hand. You don't have to believe those pictures either. Just listen to Bush tell you that he's kept us safe by borrowing money from China with no intent of paying it back and then sounding like an idiot in every speech including those that require a second grade reading level. How can Barack Obama be less qualified than that guy? He's still got the victims of Gustav sleeping in old muggy factories with literally no food save for the lady who drove by with some plates.

You Republicans and your narrow view of the world is boring. Your convention did not excite me at all last night. Your candidate shoots animals from helicopters that already frighten them and thinks nothing of the mother who just lost her son or the wife whose husband is being photographed with your young daughter, blood seeped snow surrounding your smiles. I'm a 21 year old multi racial young woman and I can say just by LOOKING at the Republican Convention get their "base" all energized has absolutely nothing to with me or my future or my rights. The only people that matter to them are white people in suits. She needs to say something that matters tonight because there are real issues that face this nation and simply because she has a uterus we should be energized and ready for her to control how we use our uterus? God they're playing the same Musac song! The Democrats had some really awesome live performances and music constantly playing. Everyone was dancing. The Republican's don't even have rhythm. You guys don't represent America in a self-proclaimed Democratic nation. Your party is past tense and soon Sarah Palin and her various scandals will be as well. if McCain had began vetting her since February she would have been pregnant with a newborn. This guys a doofball. Do you own research and stop blaming the liberals for your candidates lack of vetting. All the pundits that speak for you say the same exact thing. How many times can we say "Maverick" before it becomes corny? Find a new buzz word that was Reagan's.
This is from the paper in her town, not the left right or middle. Once you're what I did and type in Sarah Palin's baby and deduct your own truth. The government removed all pictures of her family that were taken during Bristol's first pregnancy in which Sarah does not appear pregnant but Bristol does. Dailykos' site with the story has for whatever reason been removed. I'm sure the author is under Guantanamo being water-boarded. It can't be her baby because she was having sex right after the baby was born even though she had just gotten over an incredibly long case of infectious mono. You let your daughter who had mono go have sex with a boy who loves being a redneck and we're supposed to believe you're a good mother. how about she can't date this boy and they will not get married. What is he just suddenly gonna be a republican?


Don said...

And who the hell would give birth two months early, after having amniotic fluid dripping down her leg so she could make a speech, after having a baby with down-syndrome would go back to work three days later?
This statement and the entire blog post makes absolute perfect sense. While I have no thoughts upon Palin (not really), I do agree with you that watching the GOP makes me feel like I am out-of-touch. Or should I say, they are out-of-touch.

Unknown said...

I found Right Pundits completely by accident while Googling something. I became facinated by the over-the-top comments by the regulars there. First, I was confrontational and angry and got put on "moderation" status for a few days. I learned to play their game. I still go there to poke at the hypocrisy. My take on the site is that they are koolaid drinking neocon sheep who like to hear themselves repeat the neocon talking points of the day. (and make some $$$ on ads.) I feel the site is half serious, half a goof. Waldo is great, comes up with great factual stuff to counter the neocon blathering. Anyhoo, I find it fun. I take pleasure in pointing out the double-standards on the site ie: their neocon regulars get to skirt the "rules" of the site, but we progressives get short shrift. You can see me as "Pete" on the site. Cheers.